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Before you paint or replace your siding, it's necessary to research the colors to use. Just as different hues look very beautiful, there are some combinations that are an eyesore and could ruin your home's curb appeal.

Therefore, knowing the basics of siding and roof color combination ideas will help you ensure that your home's curb appeal and value are a great investment if you chose to do it yourself. However, if you decide to get professional roofers to give you the option to use, it is important to seek the help of experts with track records. Let's go over some perfect siding and roof color combinations that look great!

Roof And Siding Color Combinations To Consider For Your Home

The first impression someone has about your home is often its exterior. So, to create the perfect first impression, the roof and siding color combinations should be appealing. Here are some great combinations:

All Gray

If your home is just by the mountain, a uniform all dark gray color will be perfect. Imagine how appealing it'll be if your home and roof have the same color. If you choose a single color for just the roof, the mountain and its natural surroundings will rather be the focus of people.

Dark Grey or Black

Painting your entire home all black may seem weird, but it'll give it that imposing and powerful look. Everyone will be amazed at the sight of the building. Also, the house's exterior will be modern-looking by using black for your roof and siding.

Besides, black is a perfect color for places with cold climatic conditions since darker colors attract sunlight, keeping the house warm during cold weather.


Unlike black and gray, brown is a more natural, classic, and lighter color. Brown allows your house to blend with the natural surroundings, especially if the house is located in an area with woods.

When painting your roof and siding brown, you can choose a single shade of brown or combine two different shades. Either way, your home will still send out a natural aura.

Multi-Color Siding And Two-Toned Roof

To make your house look more appealing, you could add more colors. For instance, you could paint part of the roof with a dark color and the other part with something lighter. Then, the siding could be painted brown and white. These color combinations are unique and different.


You don't have to paint both the roof and siding green this time around. Instead, you could use green for the siding, while the roof should come with the classic roofing color. A house with this kind of exterior will be more beautiful in an area with green leaves and will blend perfectly with nature.

Things To Know Before Settling For A Color Combination Option

Inasmuch as you may way to replicate what you saw at a friend's apartment or in the movies, there are certain things you must take note of.

Know Your Tones

Don't just settle for any random colors. Most colors are in dark and light shades. Generally, a warm-toned siding and a warm-toned roof will coordinate, and vice versa. However, two 'shouty' colors like orange and green may not go well.

Dramatic vs. Subtle

Also, it's important to consider whether or not you want your home to have a dramatic or subtle look. Generally, when there is less contrast and more common colors, the appearance will be quiet and subtle, but the final look will be dramatic when there is more contrast.

For instance, using a green roof with a blue or warm-toned siding will give the house a dramatic look; but a tan siding and a warm-toned roof will give off a subtle look.

Coordinate Your Siding And Roof In Style

There are different ways to coordinate siding and roofing and trim them into a unique facade for your home. That way, you'll certainly find the perfect siding and roof color combination to highlight your home's curb appeal and beauty.

Final Thoughts

In sum, you have to ensure that you don't just settle for any 'beautiful' color, but one that reflects your style and values. Imagine the different color combinations and their outcomes, and surf the internet for more exterior house designs.

That way, you'll certainly have a more unique and appealing design. You can reach out to us at 519 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221 (718) - 285 - 7841 https://www.bushwickroofingny.com/ to get excellent professionals hands to handle your roofing jobs.

Bushwick Roofing Is The Premier Roofing Contractors In The New York City Area. Enjoy Certified, Insured, Licensed & Bonded Contracting Service Today By Calling Us Now Or Filling Out Our Contact Form
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519 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221

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